Menendez Brothers

Silence and Shame: A Review of the Menendez Brothers Documentary

The Menendez Brothers’ documentary on Netflix is a haunting exploration of trauma, power, and the complexities of familial relationships. From the perspective of a parental sexual abuse survivor, this documentary unravels the intricate web of secrets that shroud the brothers’ lives, offering a raw and unfiltered look into how childhood abuse can shape a person’s…

Father’s Day with a Formerly Abusive Father

Father’s Day with a Formerly Abusive Father

Father’s day for some people is difficult to celebrate if they have an abusive father or father that has been abusive in the past. Abuse comes in many forms, including emotional, physical, sexual, and financial abuse. Knowing how to manage and approach this day is complex if your relationship with your father has endured abuse,…

Prince Andrew: An All Too Common Story of Silencing Sexual Abuse

Prince Andrew: An All Too Common Story of Silencing Sexual Abuse

The story of Prince Andrew and the sexual abuse allegations against him have been fairly quiet on the news. I caught a quick glimpse of the announcement that Prince Andrew had settled with his accuser, Virginia Giuffre for 12 million pounds. In his settlement, Prince Andrew does not admit any wrongdoing and still vehemently denies…

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Over a year ago, I asked my father if he would be willing for me to interview and record him about his life. I felt emotionally prepared going into each interview, but I underestimated how much it would take out of me. Each time I interviewed him, I learned more disturbing details. As the words…